
慧聪通信网 2023-03-29 09:08 来源:互联网

【慧聪通信网】Continuous Optimization of Customer Experience with Efficient and Quality ServiCES - Milkyway Was Awarded as BASF’s “Best Logistics Service Provider”


On 23rd March, the 7th Logistics Service Provider Day of BASF-YPC & BASF (China) themed “Agile Response and Co-create Sustainable Development of Logistics” and Best Logistics Service Provider Award Ceremony was held at the Ziqing Lake Hotel of Nanjing. Milkyway’s Vice President Mr. Rui PAN and the K/A Manager Ms. Bei LYU attended the award ceremony. Milkyway was awarded the “Best Logistics Service Provider 2022”, which was a recognition of the high-level logistics service quality and a compliment to the compliant and high-efficient management ability over the years.





As a leading global chemical corporate, BASF adheres to the standards of high quality, high efficiency, compliance and sustainable development all the time. In line with the customers’ philosophy, Milkyway has always insisted on creating high-efficiency and high-quality logistics serviCES from the perspective of customers and market demands.



With so much honor, Milkyway will continue to focus on high-quality and high-efficiency logistics serviCES, customer-centric and continuously optimizing the supply chain management. We strive for excellence and keep moving forward together with our distinguished clients.
